When in Palermo…

It has been a while since I have written a post like this one.  But to be fair it wasn’t really possible due to lack of travel opportunities.  The world is opening up again after the pandemic.  My family and I made the most of this earlier in the year when we travelled to Sicily.

We flew into Palermo.  We hadn’t intended to stay there as long as we did, but we are glad that we changed our minds.  The reason for this is we were rather taken with the city and do hope to return in the future.  I wanted to share some of the highlights.

Devouring panelle

These delightful fritters made with chickpea flour were a revelation. It must be said that one place we ate them, they were amazing and another they weren’t as good.

The awesome tasting ones were eaten at Bisso Bistrot. We were lucky to have been informed about this place by a local.

Join a tour of the Palazzo Chiaramonte-Steri

This museum doesn’t appear to be on the tourist track, and therefore an interesting find. Constructed in 1307, the building has been used in many ways, including as a prison.

It is also home to ‘Vulcirria’ a famous painting by Renato Guttuso (1974).

Visit the Palazzo dei Normanni & Cappella Palatina

You could spend quite a few hours meandering around both of these.  We opted to head there early on Sunday morning to hopefully avoid a large queue to purchase tickets and enter the complex.  There was a little bit of waiting but not too much and it was most definitely worth it.

A guided tour of the Teatro Massimo

It was on the hot side when we were in Palermo, so escaping inside for a tour of the theatre was most welcome. It was designed in 1864 by Giovanni Battista Filippo Basile. It is the biggest opera house in Italy and one of the largest in Europe.


This is just a snapshot of a few things that you can do on a trip to Palermo.  There’s plenty that we didn’t manage so a return trip is definitely justified.


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Cathy Powell:
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