It has been a rather long time since I have written a post on this blog. I’ve been deliberating about future direction and haven’t reached any firm conclusions. But as I have been a blogger for quite a few years, it has been something that I have missed rather a lot. So I felt I should do something about that by writing a post.
What better thing to start with, than a weekend away from home. I do enjoy seeing new places.
A couple of weekends ago, my husband and I had a few days away. We headed away from the south coast and around the M25 to go a bit further north. We were bound for Leicester.
But on the way there we stopped off for coffee. Nothing beats a creamy coffee and some toast and jam or a danish for that matter.
Once we got to Leicester, we parked and went for a wander around the city. It was nearing lunchtime so we were looking out for potential places.
We did have a bit of a look at Trip Advisor and were glad that we stumbled upon the sandwich shop that we ended up going into and incidentally which we walked past before turning around and seeing it right there.
My choice for lunch was the falafel and halloumi salad, which was rather enjoyable.
After lunch we realised that we were really close to Leicester Cathedral, which is where the remains of King Richard III have been laid to rest after they were found in a car park back in 2012.
We had filled in enough time that we were now able to check into our hotel, after ambling back through the city past the open market.
Later in the evening, after dinner, we ventured to a couple of bars to sample Leicester’s night life.
But it was the following morning when we went to the museum that held a gem of an exhibition.
We spent quite a while immersing ourselves in this particular exhibition.
What’s not to like about an exhibition where you can actually read a book or two (perfect for any bibliophile)! If it hadn’t been for our lunch in the cafe the day before we wouldn’t have browsed in a local magazine and seen the exhibition advertised and would have missed out.
Have you ever had a trip away where you came across something unexpected that you enjoyed?